Friday, April 27, 2012


I have a few pictures left to share but my camera is broken for a bit....I hope I can get it fixed soon or whatever :( It's so depressing. Grrr.

Gabe's fabulous drawings

Trying to be intellectual with a book...

We made Chinese lanterns!

Daddy and Gabe doing the cuddles.

We have puppets!
Me and Wolfy

We made a Lion mask!

Hiking up Battle Creek

The Holi Festival of Colors at our local Krishna Temple

So much fun!
Hanging out with Isla at the Dinosaur Museum!

Coloring the Easter eggs!

It's been a great Spring! I hope the weather stays nice and not too hot! We lots more stuff planned. I hope we get a camera soon. I'll probably just buy a disposable and then when I do get a camera I'll take pics of those pics and put them up soon.