Sunday, September 22, 2013

September Means School Starts!

Gabe has been having a fabulous time this summer and now it's over officially today, the Autumn Equinox. But that means Fall has begun officially, too.

Gabe started his second year of preschool with Miss Julie. He is going a full 3-days a week now :) He is loving it! Lots of fabulous art projects and learning of his numbers and practicing his ABCs!

Let's see. We won a really nice grill through Archie's work at the yearly Summer work party at Cow-a-bunga. So we've been doing some grilling! Archie enjoyed putting it together and leaving out a few screws here and there ;)

2013-09-04 19.09.57

But Gabe got into some crazy antics a couple of weeks ago...well, not his fault, per se. But a friend accidentally threw a wooden object at him on Memorial Day and he ended up getting a pretty deep cut. It was a bloody horror show when he came up the stairs...blood just streaming down his whole face. His two friends and brothers came up the stairs so devastated. They literally thought they had killed him and that they were going to jail cuz that's where bad people go. So sad.

We thought we could close it up and he'd be OK, but another few days later we went over to a friend's house and she has a German Shepherd who has an infected ear...we don't know exactly what happened but the next thing we know the dog has her mouth around Gabe's head and his would was reopened. No, visible bite marks or anything. But it was pretty scary. So we took him into the doctor and has his little cut glued shut, finally. It's healing!!!!

First non-stitch! They glued it! Such a trooper.

Such a trooper. It was pretty traumatizing hearing the screams as they put the glue on him. :( But a sucker and an ice cream later and he was good to go!

Archie's  brother came down to stay for a surgery he needed performed and we helped him recover and spent time with him. We ended up going to the super duper Scheel's store that has a freakin' Ferris Wheel in its store! Lots of fun things to do with the kiddos...a play place, an aquarium, and pictures with sharks and fish that we 'caught.' (wink wink).

Fun day at Scheel's!!!

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Let's no forget soccer! Gabe started for the first time this year! He's enjoying it so far. He's not the most athletic out there, but they are all having so much fun and that's the most important thing.

Good and windy at soccer tonight :)

Gabe's first soccer game tonight!

We also headed down to the first ever Provo Pride Festival. It was small but great. Lots of people and vendors and local groups and churches supporting the GLBT community. We even got to make a noodle necklace made out of rainbow pasta! I love being able to teach Gabe about love and acceptance and caring about others.

Gabe showing of his Pride Festival rainbow necklace!

Lots of gorgeous sunsets and clouds this month too :)

Beautiful sunset tonight!




I'm having a little Fall Equinox party today and I'll post about that later :) Happy Fall everyone.

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