Friday, April 24, 2009

My Growing Boy!

I just wanted to share some extra pics of little Gabriel! He's growing so fast! We have all been sick this last week, but are slowly getting better, first Archie, then me, and finally fell to Gabe. He had a rough couple of days, but he was sawing logs all night and only got up once! So he's been feeling a lot better today. He had the biggest smiles for me today! I feel that his first laugh is coming soon...

It's amazing how much life has changed since little Gabe came into my life! It's been a rough road so far, but I feel that we're finally getting on the right track. It's starting to sink in that Gabe is mine and that I will always be the one he needs to take care of him and comfort him. It's life-altering and I'm scared, but excited to be a mom to my sweet little boy. We have so much to learn from each other! And I thank my Heavenly Father for my little boy!


  1. How cute!!! I'm glad that he is getting better. I'm sorry this has been a rough ordeal for you! Hopefully all will be well soon! :-D

  2. What sweetie! And he still has all that nice hair. Sorry about everyone having colds, its sooo sad when little babies have to deal with that. Glad things are turning a corner!

  3. He is so adorable.. And yes one day the screaming will end!! love you

  4. I feel so sorry for you and yet so happy for you as well. It is nice to see you find the pillar of light within the storm. I hope the clouds pass soon…


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