Sunday, March 8, 2009

Life With Gabe

Wow! Gabriel will be four weeks old tomorrow. He's getting so big now. Being a new mommy is so crazy every day. It involves lots of sleep deprivation, patience, sacrifice, and love! Archie is so amazing; he really helps out at night by taking the long night shift around two or three in the morning. He's also amazing at helping him get those little grunts worked out by bouncing him and exercising his feet to get all the goo out. I sure wish he had a few more weeks off to spend with us at home. But that's the way life goes. I definitely think he's starting to sleep a bit longer at night. Sometimes it depends, but we usually get at least one streak of three hours each night. Right now it's extra tough for me since I have to pump at night as well as get up with him. But the advantage of that is Archie as well as others can feed him any time with my milk in a bottle! Each day we have fun tummy time...OK, Gabe actually hates tummy time. He gets pretty cranky, but he needs it to strengthen is back and neck muscles. They say that the more tummy time a child gets the higher chance they have of crawling and walking sooner....I'll let you know how that goes! hee hee! Now that my mom is gone it gets pretty hairy during the day...sometimes I forget to eat even since laying him down gets him cranky or whatever! And I'm still getting my wound changed every day so I'm still in PJs all the time! And showering is very special only on the weekends! No, sometimes it's at night after Archie gets home that I get to take those!! Very exciting. This is one of my rambling blog entries...but we have a lot of fun, tears, and sleeps during our day! He's our sweet baby and we're so happy to have him in our lives despite the new and crazy changes involved! Here are a few more pics of our growing Gabe!! Enjoy!

I'm a bit scary, but hey I just had a baby!

Grumpy tummy time!

Bouncer time!!!

Fun times with Grandpa and Grandma Stokes!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you're doing good, surviving at the very least! It's all about the baby right now, you'll start to get your life back in a couple months. Who needs a shower everyday anyhow??? :)


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