Monday, May 18, 2009

Angels Protected My Boy

We had a REALLY big scare last night. We were just coming home from our walk last night (all three of us) when Gabe fell out of his stroller! Archie had unbuckled him halfway through our walk and forgot to rebuckle him so when he went to pop the stroller over our front step Gabe just tipped right on out onto the concrete. We literally freaked out and panicked! But we were able to calm him down pretty fast. He got a pretty hefty scrape on his knee and a bit of one on his foot and he hit his little head as well. At first we didn't notice his head until after Archie had given him a priesthood blessing and saw that his left side was a bit red and swollen so we immediately jumped into the car and up to an urgent care for kids and they immediately told us to take him up to Primary Children's Hospital so they could do a CAT scan to see if there was any head trauma. And of course I'm freaking out and crying and praying and hoping that he's OK. He never gave us cause to worry, though, since he continued to act normal the whole time!

We finally arrived around a bit before nine and were there until about two in the morning so a total of about five hours! It was crazy busy last night, but we felt reassured when they told us his head looked completely fine and normal!!! The poor little guy...we got to sing to him and comfort him while he got his scan so he would hold his head still! It was the most terrifying and miserable night. He was soooo tired and we were soooo exhausted. But he went to sleep immediately at home and has been taking great naps all day and still looking great!

We are so grateful to Heavenly Father that he protected little Gabe. His fall could've been a lot more serious, even we are feeling very thankful for his safety! And another lesson on being parents has been learned....make sure he's always buckled in! One stupid mistake can lead to the most devastating consequences.

Oh, the craziness of being first time parents! We love you Gabe!


  1. I'm so glad Gabe is okay!! I know exactly how scary that is...been there, done that. ((HUGS))

  2. I'm glad everything turned out okay. We've had our fair share of scares as well, and as first time parents, it's definitely a rollercoaster!

  3. OMG, how very scary. Sooo glad he is doing okay and had the scan to make sure. You'll make lots of mistakes as parents, don't let you bet yourself up too much. Kiss & hug Gabe for me!


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