Thursday, January 29, 2009

Pregnancy Updates!

I went for another doctor's appointment on Tuesday! Oh, the joys. I found out I have a UTI and am now on antibiotics. Also my doctor said I gained 8 pounds in two weeks, but not to worry since it's all probably from my water retention since I look like a balloon now. measurements from two weeks ago jumped up more than normal, cuz my belly's so big, so she has ordered an ultrasound for next week!!! She wants to check out how big my boy is and if how much fluid I have in there as well. So I could be having a 12 pound boy!!!! So we get a sneak peak on how big he really is....very scary. She said it could be that he's measuring big becuz he hasn't dropped very much yet so we'll see! But I've been trying to walk around more, but I need to keep my feet up so they don't swell so much and if I walk too much my insides just ache anyway so it's no good! And my left foot is twice the size of my right foot, which is still really big! I can't wait til he's born!!!!!

And Monday Archie slept wrong on his back or hit a pothole that was too big becuz when he woke up his upper back was in excruciating pain. So we're both pretty out of commission right now! But we're keeping the faith, keeping the postivism of life!! HAR HAR!!!


  1. Awwww! I am so sorry. Do you need me to bring you dinner, junk food or anything? Let me know and I'll get it out there! Hurry for an extra peek at your "big" boy! Of course, I'll still send labor vibes so you can give birth and see him in person rather than on the ultrasound.

  2. I laughed out loud when you said "Oh the joys"! Yes! I understand!! I am sorry you are so swollen, and just feeling VERY MUCH like a 9 month preggo. As much as I sincerely wish you felt better and more comfortable, it is so nice to have someone else who is feeling so much like me right now. Well, I am in suspense to hear what they say about baby's size in your upcoming ultrasound - keep us posted!!

  3. Poor Heather! Sinus infections, really bad contractions, and now a UTI! Man alive! How much more are you going to have to go through before this baby finally pops out! Hopefully you will have him soon! Good luck!

  4. Can't wait to see what the ultrasound estimates, you may be joining me in the BIG BABY Club!!! Not that its fun, especially if it leads to a C-section. Can you still wear shoes?? That was the worst for me, big feet and nothing fit, I wore flip flops to church-and they weren't even good looking ones! And yes, I believe we took the Nazi class together, then you made me suffer through a Step class! I miss having a workout buddy, though we didn't do it together much, but we should have!

  5. I remember those days! Thank goodness it is only 9 months. Glad to hear everything is going well! Can't wait to see the little guy!

  6. Oh my goodness! You looked so HUGE last night! Not to be offensive or anything... But I could tell you were in so much pain. I'm really hoping that your little boy doesn't get too big for your sake. You're such a tiny girl. I've had 2 UTI's so far and I hope I don't get another one. I'm so sorry!

    It was awesome to get to know you in our prenatal class. All the pictures of you and your cute husband are so adorable. The pirates one is my favorite. Yarg! Please keep in touch! I really hope things go better for you and that it will be over soon... ten days! But who's counting?

    I think it would be fun if we got all the girls from class together after we have the babies to catch up. So that means we have to keep in touch.

    Thanks for reading my blogs too! Your comments were too sweet. I'll have to do better with keeping them updated. I've thought about writing for a long time, so we'll see how that goes.

    Keep your feet up and do what you can to stay happy and comfortable. Hurray for pregnancy! ;)

  7. PS... There's a lady from Utah, her name is Heather. Anyway, she's about 20 weeks pregnant and writing a really awesome blog. It makes me laugh... So check it out if you get time.


It really makes my day when comments are left since I know who is stopping by and checking in and I feel so loved and you will be my best friend for life!